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Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹ I am Chee Hwa Tang

Full Stack Developer

a picture of Chee Hwa Tang smiling

Building your digital dreams into reality.


Front-end Design

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Responsive UI/UX Design
  • React & Redux
  • Wireframe Design (Figma)

Back-end Engineering

  • Ruby on Rails
  • NodeJS (In-Progress)
  • Querying APIs
  • MVC Design

Databases & DevOps

  • SQL, PostgreSQL
  • Deployment with Heroku
  • Agile Methodologies with Kanban
  • CI/CD

My projects

landing page of SoundState app Github Readme Daily Quotes landing page



SoundState is an app that generates a personalized music playlist based on the user's mood, curated from their Spotify Liked Songs. Its most standout feature is the creation of an image that visually represents the mood and songs of the playlist, making music sharing and discovery a fun and engaging experience. Our 4-person team developed SoundState during the final 2 weeks of our bootcamp.


  • Ruby on Rails
  • AJAX & Stimulus JS
  • Three.js
  • Sass
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku
  • Spotify API
  • OpenAI API
Visit SoundState
Visit SoundState on Github

Why This Project?

As an audiophile, I have always loved listening to music from various genres. I enjoy curating playlists for different moods and activities, such as high-tempo music for runs and calm music for strolling in the park.

I jumped at the first opportunity to work on this project because I love the idea of using AI to enhance the listening experience by intelligently generating music playlists based on mood. Moreover, the innovative concept of using Dall-E to generate images that represent a music playlist is intriguing.

What I've Learned

  • Project planning and ideation using user stories and wireframe design using Figma.
  • Project management with Agile methodologies, including Kanban workflow and daily stand-up meetings.
  • Designed app architecture with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller)
  • Applied RESTful principles for backend architecture.
  • Mobile-first design for front-end with progressive web app (PWA) capabilities.
  • Implemented OAuth 2.0 with Spotify as 3rd-party client for user login/signup.
  • Integrated with OpenAI API for GPT-3.5 and Dall-E 2
  • Setup background jobs using Redis server for database syncing with user's Spotify account.
  • Integrated automated testing in the CI pipeline using Github Actions.

More on Github README.

Github Readme Daily Quotes


Github Readme Daily Quotes is an SVG widget that can be embedded in Markdown documents, particularly in Github profiles, to display daily inspirational quotes. By utilizing various Quotes APIs and Serverless Function, users can customize the visual appearance of the quote card, as well as the category of the quotes, such as programming, stoicism, happiness, and more. Since it is an SVG image, it can also be used on websites.


  • TypeScript
  • SVG
  • Axios
  • Jest
  • Github Actions
  • Vercel
Visit Github Readme Daily Quotes on Github

Why This Project?

While developing my Github Profile, I came across various creative widgets that the community had developed, such as the Github Stats Card and Spotify Card. Being interested in inspirational and thought-provoking quotes, I wanted to incorporate daily inspirational quotes into my Github Profile.

After searching extensively, I couldn't find a suitable widget that met my needs. Therefore, I took this opportunity to develop the Github Readme Daily Quotes widget as my contribution to the open-source community. Additionally, this project serves as a great platform for practicing TypeScript, gaining a better understanding of Serverless Functions, and integrating automated testing.

What I've Learned

  • Understand TypeScript's strict typing and interfaces.
  • Unit testing using Jest.
  • Manipulation of SVG to display the quote cards, along with customizing the themes and fonts.
  • Serverless Function deployment using Vercel.
  • Continuous Integration with Github Action, for automated testing with Jest, styling with Prettier and linting with ESLint.
  • Understand the utilities of Github community health files, including contribution guidelines, code of conduct, license and issue templates.

Who I am

A Curious Explorer

As a Food Technologist with five years of industry experience specializing in natural food coloring solutions for new product development, I have developed strong problem solving skills with a keen attention to detail, enabling me to consistently deliver tailored solutions to clients. In addition, my effective communication skills have been instrumental when collaborating with the sales team to promote our products and services to customers, resulting in significant business growth.

Following an extensive spiritual exploration and self-discovery, I have gained a clear understanding of my values and recognized the blessings in my life. My mission is to improve the lives of others and contribute to a brighter future for generations to come, by carrying forward the legacy of generosity and kindness bestowed upon me by my predecessors.

Recognizing the profound impact of the technology industry, I enrolled in the Le Wagon Web Development course, where I acquired skills in designing and building apps that enhance people's lives. During the course, I learned to be adaptable when learning new concepts and collaborating with teammates of diverse backgrounds. I was surprised that front-end development stirred my creativity, allowing me to code beautiful and accessible apps.

Since completing the course, I have continuously improved my technical skills and created web apps within teams to deliver value to others. I am eager to apply my skills to create innovative apps that make a positive impact in the world.

In my free time, I love to ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ run, ๐Ÿšด cycle, ๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ swim and ๐Ÿ›ผ inline-skating, or simply hangout with friends over a โ˜• coffee or ๐Ÿป beers.

portrait of Chee Hwa Tang at Mount Rinjani.

Looking for a new addition to your team?

I am currently available to join a team or company.
Additionally, I am looking for collaborations to develop apps and expand my expertise as a full stack developer. Please feel free to contact me for any questions or to simply say hi.
